Bryan MannBryan Mann is in his sixth year of a six year program of studies at the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in Newton, MA. Bryan came to Hebrew College after graduating with a distinction in major from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA where he focused on Jewish studies.

Since arriving at Hebrew College, Bryan has completed a summer unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, served as an Israel Fellow for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, and taught Hebrew School at Temple Sinai in Brookline MA. He has served as a lay leader for the Moishe Kavod House, a Jewish 20s and 30s social justice based Jewish community and Keshet Boston, an organization devoted to the full inclusion of LGBT Jews in Jewish life, an organization that as a gay Jewish man he particularly supports.

Bryan was raised in the Reform Movement in Penacook, NH. He owes a lot of his spirituality, commitment to Judaism, and path to the rabbinate to his experiences in NFTY-NE. His deep commitment to social justice work through a Jewish lens is rooted in this upbringing.

Bryan has also found inspiration in many different Jewish and other faith communities. He participated in pluralistic Jewish programs at Brandeis University and in Jerusalem. During his time at Hebrew College he spent two years on the campus of the Andover Newton Theological School; living with, learning from, and being in community with peers pursuing UU, UCC, and other forms of ministry. He sees himself as more of a guide than a leader - one who helps individuals find their own spiritual path and language that works for them.

Bryan hopes to get to know everyone at Congregation Betenu. He hopes to support you wherever you are on your own spiritual journey, discovering the unique gifts you each bring to this community. He is excited to bring his passion, joy, curiosity, and energy to Betenu this year as our spiritual leader and rabbinic intern.

Click here to view the letter that was sent to Betenu's members announcing Bryan's selection as Betenu's Rabbinic Intern.

Bryan may be reached by contacting the Betenu office: 603-886-1633.
