The big question: Since anything can be put up on the internet, how do I know the truth from propaganda to outright lies!
After one becomes relatively educated on a subject, he/she generally knows the reliable sources. In honor of "National Jewish Book Month", I want to remind you of the excellent resources in our Temple's library. If you find yourself interested in studying more about Judaism, for a small shul, we have an excellent reference section.
It is also fully available on the web at: Jewish Encyclopedia so you can look this one up at home.
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia(UJE), New York, NY, Copyright 1941 and the Encyclopaedia Judaica(EJ), Keter Publishing, Jerusalem, Israel, Copyright 1971 are also available in the synagogue.
For Children, we have the 6-volume Junior Judaica published by Keter.
The 1985 volume included many questions not included in the 1981 volume and it has a cumulative index of both volumes.
Joshua L. Segal, Rabbi