Rabbi's Message: Volume 25, No. 12: Jul. 2008 - Tamuz 5768

Volume 25, No. 12: Jul. 2008 - Tamuz 5768
Subject: Rabbi's Message: Jul. 2008 - Tamuz 5768: Summer Summary
Traditionally, there has been no July newsletter but along with the bill for
the next fiscal year, has been an enclosure of the "Rabbi's Message". I tend
to make the message more a "member's only" message, reflecting a bit more
on Betenu's internals.
As fy2008 comes to an end, I think that Betenu is on firmer ground then we
have been in a very long time. In my July 2006 message I wrote:
At this point in our history, individually and collectively, Betenu needs to
recruit enough young families that we can have a viable kindergarten-first
grade class. The religious school is busy trying to put together a new set
of programs that is specifically aimed for this age group. When Betenu formed,
we lamented that the one demographic we were missing was the post-60
generation with their age, experience and wisdom. The demographic we are
missing now is the families with the youngest children. Rebuilding this part
of the temple population is perhaps the foremost challenge facing Betenu in
the upcoming year."
The good news is that through the Tot-Shabbat program and the other
programming that we have made available, we have re-established the
demographic of young families with religious-school-age children! While many
contributed to making that happen, a special kudu goes to Rahel.
With Sarah Korins as VP-Education, Pam Blotcky as principal and a good
collection of staff and volunteers, I have particularly high hopes for the
future. Over the last year, Betenu confirmands including Arianne Bennett,
Tovah Burstein and Dan Thompson have visited or are visiting Israel; and they
are giving us a really positive feeling that we at Betenu are succeeding in
bringing Judaism to a new generation.
In addition, there has been some growth in membership which is contributing
to fiscal stability which had been a problem for the last several years.
This year, Congregation Betenu celebrates its 25th anniversary and I have
high hopes for a wonderful celebratory event this fall. It's a nice feeling
to move into our 2nd quarter century with a sense of success for what we have
done, a feeling of pride for what we do and a feeling of hope for our future.
Joshua L. Segal
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